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E-learning Course Awareness dangerous goods (RO)


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Your employees from Romania who frequently or incidentally work with hazardous substances must have knowledge about working with these hazardous substances. With the E-learning course Awareness dangerous goods (Romanian version) you can have your employees trained without compromising production or service hours. The course is presented in clear and comprehensive online presentations.

This online course consists of four modules:

  • Legislation and regulations on the storage, transport and use of hazardous substances.
  • The classification according to the GHS, WM and ADR as well as the properties of substances.
  • The job requirements with the preparation of consignment notes, the inbound check, 1000 point table, material separation, etc.
  • Dealing with calamities involving hazardous substances.

Certificate and duration
The course is concluded with a test with multiple choice questions. If the student has a score of 70% or more, he or she will receive the Certificate Awareness dangerous goods (Romanian). The course takes 3 to 4 hours depending on the time that is put into it. We recommend that you go through all modules at least twice, so that the knowledge stays in place.

For whom
Anyone who works incidentally or frequently with hazardous substances. Whether in a warehouse, laboratory, at a government or hospital. This course also complies with chapter 1.3 of the ADR (ADR Wareness training) for warehouse employees and couriers (1000 points table).

No prior education is required. This is E-learning Awareness dangerous goods course and is doable for someone who is committed to it. That is why we have not specifically linked a duration to the course.

Order this E-learning?
Indicate in the ordering process whether you are ordering the course only for yourself (ie 1 student) (indicate “individual”) or whether you are ordering for a number of students (indicate “group”). By clicking on ‘group’ you can also choose whether you also purchase the course for yourself (tick ‘enroll me’) or whether you only want to purchase the course for your employees (you leave ‘enrolll me’ empty). In the dashboard after logging in you can purchase courses and you can see how employees are progressing with their course. So you keep the overview.

Want to follow more courses? click here.

The E-learning Awareness dangerous goods has also been published in other languages ​​especially for you and your employees. For example:

E-learning Basiskennis gevaarlijke stoffen (Dutch)
Kurs e-learningowy: wprowadzenie do materiałów niebezpiecznych (Polish)
E-Learning Gefahrgut Basiskurs (German)
E-learning en marchandises dangereuses (French)
Curs de studiu online pentru cunoștințe de bază despre substanțele periculoase (Romanian)

Additional information


General awareness




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