Consignors and others engaged in the transport of high consequence dangerous goods should adopt, implement and comply with a security plan that addresses at least the elements specified in the IMDG Code. But what are the requirements for that Security plan?
The security plan should comprise at least the following elements:
.1 specific allocation of responsibilities for security to competent and qualified persons with appropriate authority to carry out their responsibilities;
.2 records of dangerous goods or types of dangerous goods transported;
.3 review of current operations and assessment of vulnerabilities, including intermodal transfer, temporary transit storage, handling and distribution, as appropriate;
.4 clear statements of measures, including training, policies (including response to higher threat conditions new employee/employment verification, etc.), operating practices (e.g. choice/use of routes where known, access to dangerous goods in temporary storage, proximity to vulnerable infrastructure, etc.), equipment and resources that are to be used to reduce security risks;
.5 effective and up-to-date procedures for reporting and dealing with security threats, breaches of security or security-related incidents;
.6 procedures for the evaluation and testing of security plans and procedures for periodic review and update of the plans;
.7 measures to ensure the security of transport information contained in the plan; and
.8 measures to ensure that the distribution of transport information is limited as far as possible. (Such measures shall not preclude provision of transport documentation required by chapter 5.4 of this Code.)
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